Friday, March 15, 2013

Brain Day

listen to ‘Eric's brain’ on Audioboo


  1. woow, I hope that you enjoyed learning about brain.

  2. I love your brains - they look real - Brooklyn
    You are very good at making brains with playdough - Cynthia
    You are really good at making a brain - GJ

  3. Wow, you look like you are having fun learning how important your brain really is. Keep up the great work. I McLay.

  4. How exciting learning about the brain. I really enjoyed being a part of your 'brain' exploration last week. Our new parents who were with me thought your investigations were really interesting!

    Ms Craig

  5. mrs Gledhill-HarrisMarch 22, 2013 at 11:30 AM

    Wow, what an amazing way to learn about brains. I love your playdough brains, they are very realistic.

  6. Learning about brains looks like so much fun! The playdough brains look very real!

  7. i like your brain Eric by Brandon G

  8. Eww!!!Those brains look gooy.sam compton Room20

  9. Amazing hands on learning. This activity has made a real impact and the learning that occurred are clearly evident. Awesome experience, thank you Mrs McLay, for the trouble and effort you go through to make learning exiting. We love Upper Harbour School.

    Dante Posthumus


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