Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Swimming @ Hilton Brown

 Kicking hard using a float board
 Arms stretched
 Bathing beauties
 Renee jumping into the deep end of the pool
Swimming in small groups helps us to learn swim strokes. 
"We learn how to do back stroke" Jayden

Animation using the classroom ipad

 We worked with a buddy to plan the story board, we highlighted the scene we would animate
 Together we drew the back drop and foreground.
 This is Kaelyn and Amber filming- taking lots of shots to create the animation using the ipad.
It took concentration to make the 3D characters, it helped having a buddy to talk to about the problems.

Junior Athletics Day

 The seven year old girls wore white. The girls are waiting to be called for their next event.
The seven year old boys wore black. They called themselves the "All Blacks."