Saturday, June 22, 2013

Talented Class mates

We have wonderful talented dancers and musicians in room 18. They performed at our Music school assembly on Friday.

Popcorn Adjectives

Popping corn kernels gave us a chance to revisit adjectives. We had fun describing the smell, how it looks, how it felt, what we heard. We all got to taste it too. We are learning to make our sentences more interesting.
             "Bursting up like a spaceship, popping kernels out." Rachel
"It looked like mini clouds bungy jumping 
into the white bowl." 

Experiments on lift and weight (gravity), two of the forces that help aeroplanes fly. 

Model aeroplane

Paul came to school and showed us how he flies his model aeroplane.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

MOTAT here we come

The day finally arrived. We were off to MOTAT with the rest of the Trailblazers to see the aeroplanes.
                                  The planes were massive. 
              Come visit us and see the book we made about our trip.
            Ricci is pointing to the oldest plane in the hanger. 
                                     It has an open cockpit.

"Let's go fly a kite, up in the atmosphere... "

After decorating our kites using wax crayons we tried to fly them outside on the field.
They were so light, they flew immediately, we just had to stand, letting out the string slowly.
We were so excited to hold onto a kite that actually flew!

Team Trailblazers Flight Immersion

Immersion happens in a block of time when we spend time at stations to experience and wonder how "something" happens or to try "something" out. We end up with many questions.
Our Flight Immersion was done with the Trailblazers Team. We "had a go" at 8 different stations to find out about the 4 forces that help aeroplanes to fly.
Here some of us from our team are making cloth parachutes. I wonder if they will fly?
The air fills the cloth parachute and it gently glides to the ground.          Does that mean the parachute flew?
"I wanted to try my parachute again, we got to take them home, but not the teddy bear." JK
                  We could make two different designs of paper darts and fly them outside.                                             These were the two stations in Room 18. 
                  Look at the other rooms' blogs to find out the experiments in their rooms.

"The BIG Apple Crunch" - with Jazz apples supplied to the school.

We are gathered with the rest of the school, ready to bite into our"jazz" apples, we are waiting for the count down.
For some of us "the big apple crunch" was painful because we have wiggly front teeth!